AI Image Generation in 2024: Tools, Technologies & Best Practices

What Is AI Image Generation?

AI image generation refers to the process of creating visual content using artificial intelligence technologies. These technologies enable the creation of images from textual descriptions or other forms of input. Image generators use generative AI models to produce original, realistic visuals that can be used across industries from entertainment to healthcare.

AI image generation involves training neural networks on large datasets of images. Through this training, the AI learns the characteristics and attributes of the images, enabling it to generate new visuals that are stylistically and contextually similar to those in the training data.

In this article:

What Are AI Image Generator Tools? {#what-are-ai-image-generator-tools}

AI image generators are tools that use artificial intelligence to create visual content from textual or other forms of input. Typically, these generators offer a user-friendly interface where users input text or select parameters, and the AI processes this information to create an image.

A few examples of popular AI image generation tools include:

  • DALL-E by OpenAI: Known for its ability to generate highly detailed and creative images from textual descriptions, DALL-E can produce a wide variety of visuals, from realistic landscapes to imaginative scenes.
  • MidJourney: This tool excels in generating artistic and stylized images, often used by designers and artists to explore new creative directions.
  • Stable Diffusion: An open-source AI image generator that emphasizes flexibility and customization, allowing users to fine-tune various parameters to achieve the desired output.
  • RunwayML: Provides a range of AI tools for image generation, including models that can transform and enhance existing photos or create entirely new images from scratch.

Popular Applications and Use Cases of AI Image Generation {#popular-applications-and-use-cases-of-ai-image-generation}

Content Creation

AI image generation streamlines the content creation process by allowing creators to produce a wide array of visuals efficiently. This technology is particularly beneficial for creating digital art, social media graphics, and visual storytelling.

Content creators can generate custom images that align with their themes or narratives, enabling them to maintain a consistent aesthetic across their platforms without extensive manual design work. Additionally, AI-generated images can be used to supplement written content, enhancing engagement and visual appeal.


In film and animation, AI-generated visuals help in creating realistic characters, scenes, and special effects that would be time-consuming and costly to produce traditionally. Video game developers use AI to design detailed environments, characters, and assets, enhancing the immersive experience for players.

Marketing and Advertising

Marketers can quickly generate product images, promotional graphics, and advertisements tailored to specific demographics and preferences. This technology allows for rapid A/B testing and optimization, ensuring that the most effective visuals are used in campaigns. It also makes it possible to personalize advertising and promotions to specific segments.

Medical Imaging

AI image generation is transforming the field of medical imaging by improving diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. AI models can generate high-resolution images from low-quality scans, assist in reconstructing 3D models from 2D images, and enhance images to highlight critical areas for diagnosis.

How Does AI Image Generation Work? Key Technologies {#how-does-ai-image-generation-work-key-technologies}

AI image generation uses advanced machine learning techniques to create visual content based on textual descriptions or other inputs. This process involves several key technologies:

Text Understanding with NLP

The initial step in AI image generation involves interpreting and understanding text prompts through Natural Language Processing (NLP). For image generation, NLP models convert textual descriptions into numerical representations that the AI can process.

One prominent NLP model used in this context is the Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) model, developed by OpenAI. It encodes text into high-dimensional vectors, which capture the semantic meaning and context of the text, breaking down complex descriptions into comprehensible elements.

For example, given a prompt like "a red apple on a tree," the NLP model identifies key components such as "red," "apple," and "tree," and understands their relationships. This encoded information acts as a blueprint for the image generation process, ensuring that the AI accurately represents the described scene.

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

Introduced by Ian Goodfellow and colleagues in 2014, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) consist of two competing neural networks: the generator and the discriminator. This adversarial setup drives both networks to improve continuously, resulting in highly realistic image generation.

The generator's role is to create fake images from random noise. It starts with a vector of random values and uses these to produce an image. The discriminator evaluates images and determines whether they are real (from the training dataset) or fake (produced by the generator). The generator aims to produce images that can fool the discriminator.

Training GANs involves a feedback loop where both networks learn from each other. When the discriminator correctly identifies an image as fake, the generator receives feedback and adjusts its parameters to produce more realistic images. If the generator successfully deceives the discriminator, the discriminator updates its criteria to become more discerning.

GANs can generate high-resolution images with fine details. However, they are limited in their ability to create diverse images based on natural language instructions, and are being replaced by diffusion models for many image generation use cases.

Diffusion Models

Diffusion models generate new data, such as images, by simulating the diffusion process in physics. They start with random noise and iteratively transform it into a coherent image, guided by learned patterns from the training data.

The process begins with forward diffusion, where the model adds Gaussian noise to an image over a series of steps. This gradual addition of noise transforms the original image into pure noise. The model then learns to reverse this process, progressively removing noise to recover the original image. This reverse diffusion enables the model's generative capability.

Training diffusion models involves teaching the model to predict the noise added at each step and to reverse it accurately. The model learns to estimate the difference between the noisy image and the original image at each stage.

Once trained, diffusion models can generate new images by starting with random noise and applying the reverse diffusion process. A text prompt guides this process, directing the model on what the final image should look like.

Challenges of AI Image Generation {#challenges-of-ai-image-generation}

There are several challenges associated with generating images using AI, which creators and organizations must consider.

  • Ethical concerns: Generated images have the potential for misuse. Deepfakes, which are highly realistic but fabricated images or videos, can be used to spread misinformation, manipulate public opinion, or defame individuals. For example, deepfake technology has been used to create fake news videos and unauthorized celebrity videos.
  • Bias and representation: AI models learn from the data they are trained on, which can include biases present in the dataset. If the training data predominantly features certain demographics, the AI might produce images that reinforce stereotypes or exclude certain groups. For example, if an AI is trained mostly on images of one ethnicity or gender, it may struggle to accurately generate images of people from other groups.
  • Displacement of creativity: As AI tools become more sophisticated, they might reduce the demand for human artists and designers, potentially leading to a loss of unique, human-driven creativity. The automation of creative tasks can lead to a homogenization of content, where AI-generated visuals might lack the personal touch and originality that human creators bring.

Best Practices for Using AI Image Generation Tools {#best-practices-for-using-ai-image-generation-tools}

When using AI image generators, it’s important to consider the following best practices to achieve the best outputs.

Develop a General Idea for the AI image

Before using an AI image generator, it's essential to have a clear and comprehensive vision of the image you want to create. Start by conceptualizing the overall scene, including key elements such as objects, people, and background settings. Think about the mood and atmosphere you want to convey, as well as specific details such as colors, lighting, textures, and composition.

For example, if you’re creating an image of a bustling city street, visualize the types of buildings, the presence of people, vehicles, and even the time of day. A well-defined idea helps in crafting precise prompts, ensuring that the AI generates images that closely match your vision.

Learn Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the process of designing and refining the text inputs (prompts) used to guide the AI image generation. Effective prompts are clear, descriptive, and specific. Start by understanding the basic structure of a prompt and the importance of including key details. For example, instead of a vague prompt like “a tree,” use a detailed description such as “a tall oak tree with autumn leaves and a wooden bench underneath.”

Experiment with different phrasings and observe how they influence the generated images. Practice including elements like adjectives, spatial relationships, and context to enrich the prompt. A great way to get started with prompts for image generation tools is to use a large language model (LLM) like ChatGPT or Google Gemini, and ask it to create a prompt for an image in the tool of your choice.

Repeat the Prompt Multiple Times

AI image generators can produce different results for the same prompt due to their inherent variability. To maximize the chances of obtaining a high-quality image, run the same prompt multiple times and compare the results. Each iteration might bring subtle or significant variations, providing a broader range of options to choose from. Some image generation tools immediately provide several alternative options of the image for you to choose from.

This iterative approach helps in selecting the best possible image and provides insights into how slight modifications in the prompt can lead to different outcomes. For example, generating “a sunset over a mountain range” multiple times might yield variations in colors, cloud formations, and lighting.

Experiment with the AI Image Generator Settings

Most AI image generators offer various settings that can be adjusted to fine-tune the output. These settings might include parameters like image resolution, style strength, and randomness. Spend time experimenting with these options to understand their impact on the generated images.

For example, increasing the resolution can provide more detail, while adjusting the style strength can change the visual aesthetics from subtle to pronounced. Some generators allow users to control the degree of randomness, influencing the uniqueness and variability of the images.

Refine the Images with Post-Processing Tools

Software like Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, or online editors can be used to tweak colors, adjust lighting, correct imperfections, and add finishing touches. For example, you can increase the vibrancy of colors, remove unwanted artifacts, or add shadows and highlights.

Post-processing allows you to polish the AI-generated images, ensuring they meet your exact specifications and quality standards. This step is particularly important for professional applications demanding precision and high-quality visuals.

Build AI Image Generators with Acorn

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