Harnessing AI to Become a DevOps Pro - Part 1: Version Control Systems

Welcome to the first part of the tutorial series: Harnessing AI to Become a DevOps Pro! In this series we enable you to master DevOps fundamentals using the help of our AI assistant Clio as your instructor.

We will be exploring 8 key areas of DevOps:

  1. Version control Systems (VCS)
  2. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  3. Containerization
  4. Orchestration
  5. Infrastructure as Cloud (IaC)
  6. Cloud
  7. Monitoring and Logging
  8. Security

All you need to get started is some basic programming knowledge: to start from the beginning check out the intro guide here.

Follow along each week as we release detailed guides to each of the topics above.

In this first part of the series, I'm going to dive into VCS, or Version Control Systems. In the introduction part of this series, I asked Clio what to start with, and that was VCS.

Here is the exact answer she gave me:

Version Control Systems (VCS) • Description: Learn how to use version control systems like Git. This is fundamental for tracking changes in your code and collaborating with others. • Key Tools: Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket.

What is Clio? Learn more about Clio, our AI copilot that runs in your CLI, here.

Okay: I've been a developer for more years than I can count on my fingers. So obviously, I've used a version controlling system. Actually, it might not be obvious to everyone. I have met some developers who have never used them. So if you're a developer or an aspiring DevOps engineer, this series or at least this part, could be interesting to you.

The very basics of VCS

I'll start of by asking if Clio can teach me the basics.

>>> Okay Clio, let's start with step 1 "Version Control System". What's the first thing I should learn? Great! The first step in learning about Version Control Systems (VCS) is understanding the basics. Here are some key concepts and terms you should familiarize yourself with: 1. Repository (Repo): A storage location for your code and its history. It can be local (on your computer) or remote (on a server). 2. Commit: A snapshot of your code at a specific point in time. Each commit has a unique identifier (hash) and a message describing the changes. 3. Branch: A parallel version of your code. Branches allow you to work on different features or fixes simultaneously without affecting the main codebase. 4. Merge: Combining changes from one branch into another. This is often done to integrate new features or fixes into the main branch. 5. Clone: Creating a local copy of a remote repository. 6. Pull: Fetching and integrating changes from a remote repository into your local repository. 7. Push: Sending your local commits to a remote repository. 8. Conflict: Occurs when changes in different branches or commits overlap and need to be resolved manually. To get hands-on experience, I recommend starting with Git, the most widely used VCS. Here are some initial steps: 1. Install Git: Make sure Git is installed on your system. 2. Configure Git: Set up your username and email. 3. Create a Repository: Initialize a new Git repository. 4. Make Commits: Add files and make your first commit. 5. Branching and Merging: Create branches and practice merging them. Would you like me to guide you through installing and configuring Git, or do you have Git already installed?

Based on what I already know, I think this is a great starting point. I just want to know a little bit more about what VCS actually is, and why it's important.

>>> Thanks, but before we start diving in. Can you explain a little bit to me what VSC actually is and why it's so important? Absolutely! Understanding what a Version Control System (VCS) is and why it's important is crucial before diving into the technical details. Here's a brief overview: ### What is a Version Control System (VCS)? A Version Control System (VCS) is a tool that helps you manage changes to your codebase over time. It keeps track of every modification made to the code, allowing you to: 1. Record Changes: Every change you make to the code is recorded along with metadata like who made the change, when it was made, and a message describing the change. 2. Revert Changes: If a change introduces a bug or an issue, you can revert to a previous version of the code. 3. Collaborate: Multiple developers can work on the same codebase simultaneously without overwriting each other's changes. 4. Branching and Merging: You can create branches to work on new features or fixes independently and then merge them back into the main codebase when they're ready. 5. Track History: You can see the history of changes, understand why changes were made, and who made them. ### Why is VCS Important? 1. Collaboration: In a team environment, VCS allows multiple developers to work on the same project without conflicts. It manages and merges changes from different team members seamlessly. 2. Backup and Restore: VCS acts as a backup system. If something goes wrong, you can always revert to a previous stable state of the code. 3. Code Integrity: By keeping a history of changes, VCS ensures that you can track and understand the evolution of your codebase. This is crucial for debugging and maintaining the code. 4. Experimentation: Branching allows developers to experiment with new features or ideas without affecting the main codebase. If the experiment is successful, it can be merged back; if not, it can be discarded without any impact. 5. Accountability: VCS provides a clear record of who made what changes and when. This is useful for accountability and understanding the context of changes. 6. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): VCS is a cornerstone of modern CI/CD practices, enabling automated testing, integration, and deployment of code. In summary, a VCS is essential for maintaining the integrity, history, and collaborative nature of a codebase, making it a fundamental tool for any software development project. Would you like to proceed with installing and configuring Git, or do you have any other questions about VCS?

Okay, great. Based on what I read in the answer, I can understand why it's so important. Not only when you're working on a team, but on a solo-project, using VCS is also a really great tool.

So know that I know a little bit about the basics, let's try to do a little bit hands on as she suggested.

Installing or checking if you have Git

>>> Okay! Let's try to get some hands on for the basics as you suggested. ### Step 1: Install Git First, let's check if Git is already installed on your system. I'll run a command to check the Git version. Would you like me to proceed with this check? >>> No, can you tell me how to check this my self? Of course! To check if Git is installed on your system and to see its version, you can open your terminal and run the following command: git --version ...

I only pasted a little if of the answer here. I tried running the command to see if I have Git installed, and the answer is yes :-)

The rest of the answer she gave me was instructions on how to install git on Mac, Linux or Windows if I didn't already have it. Now that it's verified, let's jump to the next step.

Configuring Git

>>> I can verify that I have Git installed. What is the next step? ### Step 2: Configure Git Once Git is installed, you need to configure it with your username and email. These details will be associated with your commits. Run the following commands in your terminal, replacing Your Name and your.email@example.com with your actual name and email: git config --global user.name "Your Name" git config --global user.email "your.email@example.com" You can verify your configuration by running: git config --global --list This will display your Git configuration settings. Would you like to proceed with these steps, or do you need any further assistance?

So I tried running the commands for configuring my Git in a different window, and the printed the configuration. And yes, the name is now set to "Code With Stein" and the email to "codewithstein@gmail.com".

Creating a repository

>>> Let's go to step 3 Great! Now that you have Git installed and configured, let's move on to creating a new Git repository. ### Step 3: Create a Repository A repository (or "repo") is where your project's files and their history are stored. Here's how to create a new Git repository: 1. Create a New Directory: • First, create a new directory for your project. You can do this using the mkdir command. For example: mkdir my-first-repo • Navigate into the directory: cd my-first-repo 2. Initialize the Repository: • Initialize a new Git repository in the directory by running: git init • This command creates a new subdirectory named .git that contains all the necessary files for the repository. 3. Add Files: • Create a new file in the directory. For example, you can create a README.md file: echo "# My First Repository" > README.md • Add the file to the staging area: git add README.md 4. Make Your First Commit: • Commit the file to the repository with a commit message: git commit -m "Initial commit" ### Summary of Commands Here are all the commands you'll need to run: mkdir my-first-repo cd my-first-repo git init echo "# My First Repository" > README.md git add README.md git commit -m "Initial commit" After running these commands, you will have a new Git repository with your first commit.

I think this is an awesome answer. Here are good and concise explanation, and here I get to actually do what she's trying to teach me.

Everything is working, and I now have a repo on my computer.

Branching and Merging

>>> Thanks, I understand everything so far. Let's go to the next step. Excellent! Now that you have created your first repository and made your initial commit, let's move on to branching and merging. ### Step 4: Branching and Merging Branches allow you to work on different features or fixes independently. You can create a branch, make changes, and then merge those changes back into the main branch. #### Creating a Branch 1. Create a New Branch: • To create a new branch, use the git branch command followed by the branch name. For example, to create a branch named feature-1 : git branch feature-1 2. Switch to the New Branch: • Switch to the new branch using the git checkout command: git checkout feature-1 • Alternatively, you can create and switch to a new branch in one step using: git checkout -b feature-1 #### Making Changes in the New Branch 1. Make Changes: • Edit or create files in the new branch. For example, you can add a new line to the README.md file: echo "This is a new feature." >> README.md 2. Add and Commit Changes: • Add the changes to the staging area: git add README.md • Commit the changes with a message: git commit -m "Add new feature to README" #### Merging the Branch 1. Switch Back to the Main Branch: • Switch back to the main branch (usually named main or master ): git checkout main 2. Merge the Feature Branch: • Merge the changes from the feature branch into the main branch: git merge feature-1 3. Delete the Feature Branch (Optional): • If you no longer need the feature branch, you can delete it: git branch -d feature-1 ### Summary of Commands Here are all the commands you'll need to run: # Create and switch to a new branch git checkout -b feature-1 # Make changes in the new branch echo "This is a new feature." >> README.md git add README.md git commit -m "Add new feature to README" # Switch back to the main branch git checkout main # Merge the feature branch into the main branch git merge feature-1 # Delete the feature branch (optional) git branch -d feature-1 After running these commands, you will have successfully created a branch, made changes, and merged those changes back into the main branch.

So far, I haven't actually learned anything I didn't already know. But I think that's great, this way, I can verify what she's trying to teach me. I went through the commands, and it's cool to see how easy she explains these concepts.

Learning about branching out, merging, etc as we did here is a really important part of VCS. It's something you do almost every day as a developer.

What's next?

Thanks, are there any more steps in this basic intro? You've covered the essential basics of Git! Here's a quick recap of what we've done: 1. Installed and Configured Git: Ensured Git is installed and set up your username and email. 2. Created a Repository: Initialized a new Git repository and made your first commit. 3. Branching and Merging: Created a branch, made changes, and merged those changes back into the main branch. ### Additional Basic Git Commands While you've covered the core concepts, here are a few more basic Git commands that are useful: 1. Viewing the Commit History: • To see the history of commits in your repository, use: git log 2. Checking the Status: • To see the status of your working directory and staging area, use: git status 3. Viewing Differences: • To see the changes you've made that are not yet staged, use: git diff • To see the changes that are staged for the next commit, use: git diff --staged 4. Undoing Changes: • To unstage a file, use: > Thanks, are there any more steps in this basic intro? You've covered the essential basics of Git! Here's a quick recap of what we've done: 1. Installed and Configured Git: Ensured Git is installed and set up your username and email. 2. Created a Repository: Initialized a new Git repository and made your first commit. 3. Branching and Merging: Created a branch, made changes, and merged those changes back into the main branch. ### Additional Basic Git Commands While you've covered the core concepts, here are a few more basic Git commands that are useful: 1. Viewing the Commit History: • To see the history of commits in your repository, use: git log 2. Checking the Status: • To see the status of your working directory and staging area, use: git status 3. Viewing Differences: • To see the changes you've made that are not yet staged, use: git diff • To see the changes that are staged for the next commit, use: git diff --staged 4. Undoing Changes: • To unstage a file, use: git reset HEAD <file> • To discard changes in your working directory, use: git checkout -- <file> 5. Cloning a Repository: • To create a local copy of a remote repository, use: git clone <repository-url> 6. Pulling Changes: • To fetch and integrate changes from a remote repository, use: git pull 7. Pushing Changes: • To send your local commits to a remote repository, use: git push ### Next Steps If you feel comfortable with these basics, here are some next steps you can take to deepen your understanding of Git: 1. Learn about Remote Repositories: Understand how to work with remote repositories on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. 2. Explore Advanced Git Features: Learn about rebasing, cherry-picking, and stashing. 3. Set Up a GitHub Account: If you don't already have one, set up a GitHub account and practice pushing and pulling from remote repositories. 4. Use Git in a Real Project: Apply your Git knowledge to a real project, collaborating with others if possible.

Okay, I think this was a great introduction to Version Control Systems. If I didn't already know this, I think this would be a great introduction.

And without asking, she's giving me recommendations for what to dive more into. I think it's enough Git for this and, let's not chew of more than I can bite.

The next part of this series, we'll be learning about CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment). This is something I know what is, but almost never touched in real life. So this will be exciting to learn more about :-)